What is the
Foundation Practice Rating?

The Foundation Practice Rating (FPR) is a project initiated by diverse UK foundations to enhance practices of all UK charitable foundations in terms of diversity, accountability, and transparency.
Each year, the FPR assesses 100 UK foundations on their practices on diversity, accountability, and transparency. The project outsources the evaluation to Giving Evidence—an independent research organisation, who have defined the criteria and created the system.
Data collection and analysis, for the assessment, is entirely through publicly accessible information present in their annual reports and websites.
The results are published annually.
Year 4 Report Launch
The launch of the FPR 2024/25 report will take place on Thursday 13 March 2025, 2pm-3pm.
This is an opportunity to hear about the results for 2024/25 and learn more about the research process and objectives of the FPR.
We'll hear from Caroline Fiennes and Enid Kaabunga from Giving Evidence, who conducted the research, and Danielle Walker Palmour, Director of Friends Provident Foundation, who initiated the FPR. There'll be opportunity for discussion and questions.
The report launch will be 2-3pm. There will be additional Q&A time 3-3:30pm for those that wish to attend.
This is a free event open to all charitable foundations and trusts and anyone with an interest in improving foundation practices.
We aim for our events to be as accessible as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us on enquiries@friendsprovidentfoundation.org.uk

13 March 2025
2pm – 3pm